Thursday, August 6, 2009

Transfigure Us in Peace!

Santa Maria de la Paz

The patronness of the Santa Maria de La Paz Catholic Church in Santa Fe, NM. The bulto is by artist Feliz Lopez and portrays Mary as a young woman, her face and manner serene, holding a dove and offering the olive branch of peace.

Today on the Feast of the Transfiguration, we mourn over the global transformation that took place in 1945 when the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan and on Nagasaki three days later.

From our U.S. Bishops -- to reflect on and pray about:

"We oppose the continued readiness of the United States to use nuclear weapons, especially against non-nuclear threats, and the potential development of new weapons for this purpose. . . Our nation should lead in the challenging task of envisioning a future rooted in peace, with new global structures of mediation and conflictresolution, and with a world order that has moved beyond nuclear weapons."

U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Statement on New Nuclear Treaty and U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policy, 2002
