Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day 2008

An American Catholic Tradition, [pdf] the U.S. bishops’ 2008 Labor Day statement calls for “renewed vigor as we seek to build together a society that cares for its own, reaches out to the poor and vulnerable, and offers true hope to all.” Read more HERE

Some additional thoughts for Labor Day reflection:

The shopping mall, the school, the kitchen table, the courtroom, the factory, and the office can be altars of sorts . . . places where the mundane labors of life may be offered up, blessed, and transformed into things of beauty and holiness.
from Sprituality@Work by G. F.Pierce

Awareness that humanity's work is a participationin God's activity ought to permeateeven the most ordinary everyday activities.
On Human Labor Pope John Paul II

Through work we not only transform the world, we are transformed ourselves.
On Human Labor Pope John Paul II