Monday, November 19, 2007

Recent Bishops' statements on Iraq

On November 13, 2007 the U.S. Catholic Bishops released a statement on "A Call for Bipartisan Cooperation on Responsible Transition in Iraq" by Bishop William S. Skylstad, President of the USCCB. The statement is available in PDF format at the USCCB Middle East webpage:

Also available is a document titled: "Questions and Answers on the War in Iraq" by Bishop Thomas G. Wenski, November 2007.

Want to know what else the U.S. Bishops have been saying about the war in Iraq and other issues related to Iraq? Click on Iraq on the USCCB's Middle East page and you will find all the statements issued since 1997, along with a link for: "Resources for Dioceses and Parishes"

If you would like to know more about the Catholic tradition with respect to war, including where the Bishops stood prior to the Iraq war, there is a very readable summary for Catholics in American's Catholic Update titled "What is Just War Today?" by Thomas A. Shannon ( from May 2004).